Author page: Panagiota Christodoulou

Author page: Panagiota Christodoulou

TechEdu 2022 Conference: Call for participation

TechEdu 2022 Conference: Call for participation

Call for participation

Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit your papers on our Special Track on “Work-based blended apprenticeship curricula for developing critical thinking in higher education classes  in TECH-EDU 2022, the 3rd International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education. 

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Think4Jobs Bucharest Transnational Meeting: time to take stock of the situation and decide on the next steps

Think4Jobs Bucharest Transnational Meeting: time to take stock of the situation and decide on the next steps

Representatives of the Labor Market Associations and Higher Education Institutions partnering in the project Think4Jobs- EU (Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs) met in Bucharest for the long postponed first transnational meeting (reflexes of higher orders imposed by covid!), held at the Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti (Romania). Time to take stock of the situation regarding the first proposed outputs, to brainstorming and deciding on the implementation of the next stages of the project. 

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Think4Jobs: Newsletter 2

Think4Jobs: Newsletter 2

Are you interested to learn more about our progress from the EU funded project “Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs-Think4Jobs”? Have a look at our second Newsletter presenting our work and…

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European Language Day 2021

On 24 September 2021 European Language Day was celebrated in Vilnius.  This year European Day of Languages inviting THINK4JOBS project to join in – VU students will test high school…

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