Valstybės institucijų kalbų centras

Valstybės institucijų kalbų centras

Public Service Language Centre (PSLC), established in 1993 by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, has delivered language courses in over 30 modern languages to 50 000 clients (around 35% of the clients are civil servants). PSLC seeks to meet the EU standards in teaching languages; the offered courses are in compliance with the levels defined by the CEFL. PSLC organizes general and specific language programmes according to the client’s profession and needs. All the teachers hold University degrees in philology – BA and MA and have sufficient work experience in running different language courses for adults. The objectives of the PSLC is to teach modern European languages to civil servants, politicians, professionals and other clients from Lithuania and abroad. Since 2016 PSLC has been acting as a licenced in-service Teacher Training Centre.


EFL teacher, teacher trainer, national and international project manager, since 2009 working as the Director of the Public Service Language Centre.

EFL teacher, teacher trainer, since 2016 working as the Study Director of the Public Service Language Centre, in charge of the in-service teacher training.

Deputy director of the Public Service Language Centre, German language teacher, in charge of German language programmes and Goethe Institute examinations.

Lithuanian language teacher and teacher trainer, international project administrator, since 2017 working at the Public Service Language Centre.

Administrator and EFL teacher, professional translator, since September 2020 working at the Public Service Language Centre front office.

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