Transnational Meetings: Portugal

Transnational Meetings: Portugal

The second Transnational Meeting of the Erasmus+ funded project Think4Jobs was implemented on the 7 th and 8 th of July 2022, in Évora, Portugal. The meeting was held at Universidade de Évora and Representatives of the Labor Market Associations and Higher Education Institutions attended the two days meeting to discuss the progress, the status of the project as well as the next steps. The meeting concluded with a World Café engaging staff members of the University of Évora and Project Partners on discussions regarding Critical Thinking. The commitment to the project was apparent among all attendees, and was further reinforced by cultural and social activities organized by the hosting Partner in
the second oldest University in Portugal. Partners enjoyed among others the guided tour in the historic city center.

Click here to see the agenda of the meeting.

Download the Photo Collage.

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