Transnational Meetings: Germany

Transnational Meetings: Germany

🎉 🎉Celebrating Success: Farewell Transnational Meeting in Leer, Germany 🌍

We’re thrilled to share our experience from our farewell transnational meeting in Leer, Germany! The gathering on 11-12 May 2023 was a resounding success, thanks to the collaborative efforts of our partners.

The meeting was filled with enthusiasm for all the results achieved so far in the fruitful three-year lifecycle of the project. At the same time, partners had a bittersweet taste as this was the project’s last transnational meeting.

We’re grateful to our partners for their dedication and contributions. Their unwavering commitment has been the cornerstone of our success. We extend our gratitude to HSEL and Orgadata for their warm hospitality.

With this transnational meeting behind us, we’re invigorated to continue our journey, pushing boundaries and making a meaningful impact for University-Business Collaboration and Critical Thinking Education.

Check out here the agenda of the farewell Transnational Project Meeting.

Also, check out a short video from our trip in Leer, Germany, documenting the European Summit of Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs and the farewell Transnational Project Meeting.

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