Orgadata AG

Orgadata AG

Orgadata AG is an SME located in Leer, Germany. OrgaData started about 40 years ago producing digitization systems to construct windows, doors and curtain walls. OrgaData AG has over 300 employees. Orgadata AG is a socially active corporation. For example, it supports schools offering pupils opportunities to collect experiences during practical study periods, and organizes various events for students. Orgadata actively and successfully offers further education for its employees.


Andreas Meinders is responsible for the public relations in Orgadata. He is responsible for all Orgadata’s connections to universities and schools. Under his coordination Orgadata has organized multiple public events for students.

Wolfgang Busker is the IT-educator of Orgadata. He has been working in this position for more than 5 years, being responsible for the further education programs in the company.

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