The Think4Jobs Consortium took part at the 2022 Tech-Edu Conference held in Lisbon between 31/8 and 2/9. Our Partners participated with a Special Track entitled “Work-based blended apprenticeship curricula for developing critical thinking in higher education classes”.  

Our Colleagues Daniela Dumitru from ASE and Dimitris Pnevmatikos from UOWM chaired the two sessions devoted to the spectal track with the following presentations: 

  1. Teaching Critical Thinking– A Task-Based Approach: Work in progress
    Elena Mäkiö, Juho Mäkiö
  2. Developing critical thinking skills through work-based, blended apprenticeship curriculum for Business Communication
    Mihaela Minciu
  3. Better teacher – better critical thinker. Good practices for pre-service teacher training students in Economics in synchronous online classes
    Daniela Elena Dumitru
  4. Implementation of the CT blended apprenticeships curricula and findings per discipline: Foreign Language Teaching
    Ivancu Ovidiu, Kriaučiūnienė Roma, Poštić Svetozar
  5. Using socially relevant projects to develop engineering students’ project management, critical thinking, teamwork, and empathy skills: the UTAD-REFOOD experience
    Caroline Dominguez, Gonçalo Cruz, Adelaide Cerveira
  6. Designing Critical Thinking Blended Apprenticeships Curricula to promote Reflective Thinking in Higher Education
    Dimitrios Pnevmatikos, Panagiota Christodoulou, Angelliki Lithoxoidou, Triantafyllia Georgiadou
  7. Is there a reason to change?
    Hugo Rebelo, Luís Sebastião, David Ferreira, Rita Payan Carreira
  8. Business-University collaboration in designing work-based activities fostering clinical reasoning
    Rita Payan Carreira, Ruben Silva, Margarida Simões, Hugo Rebelo

You can find the presentations of the sessions here. 

The full papers are published by Springer book series: Communications in Computer and Information Science 

You can check out some conference photos here

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