Critical Thinking is essential not only for 21st century citizens but also for 21st century graduates. Graduates employability is depended on soft skills, such as Critical Thinking. However, research findings highlight that Labor Market Organisations (LMOs) and Higher Education Institutions perceive and promote Critical Thinking differently. Still, university-bussiness collaboration is necessary to develop appropriate Higher Education curricula that can promote Critical Thinking in a way that will be satisfactory for the labor market. Are you interested to find out more on Critical Thinking and University-Bussiness Collaboration? 

The Think4Jobs Consortium invites you to participate at the first “Critical Thinking Forum”, which will be carried out on 7-10-2022. The event will be hosted by Vilnius University. More information about the event will follow. You can find next the tentative agenda of the event: 


Friday 07/10/22
14.30-14.45 Critical Thinking Forum: Opening of the event
14.45-15.45 Critical Thinking in Higher Education and Labour Market in the Lithuanian Context
15.45-16.45 The Think4Jobs Project
16.45-17.00 Q & A
17.00-17.30 Coffee break
17.30-18.15 Commonalities-differences between the projects, good practices-lessons learned: Future Directions
18.15-18.30 Critical Thinking Forum: Closing of the event

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