The Lithuanian Day of Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs

The Lithuanian Day of Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs

Lithuanian Day of Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs

(Multiplier Event E3)

28 April 2023 from 09.30 am to 16.45 pm (CEST)

Venue: K. Donelaitis Auditorium, Universiteto g. 5 (01122 Vilnius), Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology

The Institute of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University and the Public Service Language Center together with the coordinators of the project – University of Western Macedonia (Greece) and project partners: the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer (Germany), the University of Evora (Portugal.), the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) (Romania), the Experimental Primary School of Florina (Greece), the Orgadata AG (Germany), and the Atlantic Veterinary Hospital (Portugal) have been implementing the Erasmus Strategic Partnership Project Thinking for Successful Jobs – Thinh4Jobs (2020-1-EL01-KA203-078797 ).

The project brings together a multidisciplinary team representing higher education institutions and labour market organisations focusing on the development of critical thinking skil s in five different areas: teacher education, IT, economics, veterinary medicine, and foreignlanguage teaching for the effective promotion, development, support, and assessment of students’ critical thinking.

More about the project could be found at

An overview of the project’s intellectual outputs as well as practical tasks for developing critical thinking skills in foreign language teaching and learning process will be presented during the event. The panel discussion will provide insights into the impact of critical thinking skills on the professional careers of university graduates.

This event is intended for the academic community (educators, professors, researchers, administrative and non-administrative staff, students), HEls management bodies, and Labour Market representatives.

You can find the agenda of the event here.

Check out the photo collage from the event here!

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