Learning Teaching Training Activity II

Learning Teaching Training Activity II

The second Learning Teaching Training Activity (LTTA) was hosted by Vilnius University, Lithuania. The added value the LTTA brings is to train more staff members of the Organizations in the exploitation of Critical Thinking (CT) in Higher Education (HE) and Labour Market Organisations (LMOs).

The main goals of the LTTA was to empower participants with conceptual and procedural knowledge on CT and to support them in the exploitation of teaching approaches in promoting Critical Thinking.

The LTTA had a five-day duration starting from 7/11/22 until 11/11/22 and 13 participants were daily engaged. Participants were coming from the Consortium Organisations and they were Higher Education Instructors and Labor Market Tutors.

At the end of each day a session devoted in lessons learned and open discussion was carried out. The sessions focused on how a CT curriculum can benefit from the approaches and perspectives that the presenters brought in the discussion during the trainings.

Have a look at the agenda of the event and examine the topics covered during the LTTA.

Have a look at the photo collage from the intensive LTTA.

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