Learning Teaching Training Activity I

Learning Teaching Training Activity I

The Learning Teaching Training Activity (LTTA) was an important part of the second expected intellectual output (O2) as the participants were engaged in a short-term joint staff-training event hosted virtually by University of Western Macedonia, Greece. The added value the LTTA brings is to create a common understanding of Critical Thinking (CT) implementation in Higher Education (HE) and Labour Market Organisations (LMOs).

The main goals of the LTTA is to empower participants with conceptual and procedural knowledge on CT and to support them in the exploitation of work-based scenarios (O1) through the blended apprenticeships curricula. Additional goal of the LTTA is to train adequately HEI and labour market staff in the collaborative development of blended apprenticeships curricula. Finally, another goal is the enhancement of collaboration and peer learning among the partners. To achieve these goals ‘hands-on’ activities, employing experiential learning, learning by doing, case studies, and on-action reflective thinking, were implemented.

The LTTA had a five-day duration starting from 28/6/21 until 2/7/21 and 35 participants were daily engaged. Participants were coming from the Consortium Organisations and they were Higher Education Instructors and Labor Market Tutors.

During the first day, conceptual knowledge aspects of CT were addressed.

During the second day, training and instruction emphasized on procedural knowledge issues (instructional approaches, strategies, tools) as well as the exploitation of work-based learning scenarios (Intellectual Output 1).

The third day was devoted to instruction related with the development of blended apprenticeships curricula. In addition, the Moodle platform was introduced.

The fourth day was devoted on the evaluation of CT and the development of the Memorandum of Understanding, which forged the collaboration between HE and LMOs.

Finally, the fifth day focused on the principles that should be implemented for the design of the CT blended apprenticeships curricula.

Have a look at the agenda of the event and examine the topics covered during the LTTA.

Check out the Infographic that resulted from the LTTA.

Have a look at the photo collage from the intensive LTTA.

For more information on the evaluation of the LTTA, the learning outcomes and the Memorandums of Understanding have a look at the Intellectual Output 2.

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