Intellectual Outputs

Intellectual Outputs

Intellectual Output 1

Dumitru, D., Christodoulou, P., Lithoxoidou, A., Georgiadou, T., Pnevmatikos, D., Drămnescu, A. M., Enachescu, V., Stăiculescu, C., Lăcătuş, M. L., Paduraru, M. E., Payan Carreira, R., Rebelo, H., Sebastião, L., Simões, M., Ferreira, D., Antunes, C., Arcimavičienė, L., Poštič, S., Ivancu, O., (…), Meinders, A. (2021).   Think4Jobs Toolkit: Ten work-based learning scenarios. Greece: University of Western Macedonia. ISBN: 978-618-5613-01-3. URL:

Intellectual Output 2

Pnevmatikos, D., Christodoulou, P., Lithoxoidou, A., Georgiadou, T., Dimitriadou, C., Payan Carreira, R., Simões, M., Ferreira, D., Rebelo, H., Sebastião, L., Antunes, C.,

Dumitru, D., Lăcătuş, M. L., Stăiculescu, C., Paduraru, M. E., Arcimavičienė, L., Poštič, S., Ivancu, O., Kriaučiūnienė, R., (…), Meinders, A. (2021). THINK4JOBS TRAINING

Critical Thinking Training Packages for Higher Education Instructors and Labour Market Tutors. Greece: University of Western Macedonia. ISBN: 978-618-5613-02-0. URL:

Intellectual Output 3

Mäkiö, J., Mäkiö, E., Pnevmatikos, D., Christodoulou, P., Payan Carreira, R., Georgiadou, T., Lithoxoidou, A., Spyrtou, A., Papadopoulou, P., Papanikolaou, A., Simões, M., Ferreira, D., Rebelo, H., Sebastião, L., Antunes, C., Arcimavičienė, L., Poštič, S., Ivancu, O., Kriaučiūnienė, R., Vaidakavičiūtė, A., (…), Meinders, A. (2022). THINK4JOBS CRITICAL THINKING CURRICULA: Critical Thinking blended apprenticeships curricula. Greece: University of Western Macedonia. ISBN: 978-618-5613-03-7. URL:

Intellectual Output 4

Payan Carreira, R., Rebelo, H., Sebastião, L., Sacau, A., Ferreira, D., Simões, M., Pnevmatikos, D., Christodoulou, P., Lithoxoidou, A., Georgiadou, T., Papadopoulou, P., Spyrtou, A., Papanikolaou, A., Oikonomou, A., Dumitru, D., Mihăilă, R., Badea, L., Minciu, M., Kriaučiūnienė, R., (…) Paun, D. (2023). THINK4JOBS Guidelines: A protocol for Critical Thinking transfer from curricula to labour market. Greece: University of Western Macedonia. ISBN: 978-618-5613-11-2. URL:

Intellectual Output 5

Pnevmatikos, D. & Kriaučiūnienė, R. (Eds.). (2023). Critical Thinking: Bridging a Successful Transition between University and Labour Market [Special Issue]. Education Sciences.

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