Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti

Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), established in 1913, is one of the largest universities in Romania and the only one specializing entirely in economics, business and administration studies. With more than 23 000 students, it is ranked as a top research-intensive university in Romania. Comprising 13 faculties and 23 centres for research on economic and social sciences topics, it offers undergraduate and graduate programs, doctorates in Economics, Business, Law and interdisciplinary fields, and post-doctoral programs. According to its strategy, it aims at improving the educational and research environment for its students, academia & researchers, correlated with higher involvement in the community, under the development of the European Higher Education Area.  ASE will be responsible for the development of CT work-based learning scenarios in different professional fields due to its experience in the Business and Economics field.


DANIELA DUMITRU is Associate Professor at Bucharest University of Economic Studies and Head of  Teacher Training Department. She  has a BA in Philosophy and a BA in Psychology, and she holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Bucharest. She authored a book concerning critical thinking skills and their transferability, co-authored a textbook of critical thinking for magistracy admission examination and authored and co-authored over forty scientific articles and book chapters. Daniela’s research interests are on critical thinking (main topic), reasoning,  communities of inquiry / practice, cognitive psychology, and education for sustainability. She served as an expert for the Ministry of Education consultative bodies concerning teacher education and higher education, in general. Daniela is team lead for ASE and for the first intellectual output.

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Web of  Science ResearcherID: G-7823-2017

Scopus Author ID: 55149864300

MARIA LIANA LACATUS is associate professor at Bucharest University of Economic Studies at The Teacher Training Department. She  has a BA in Philosophy and holds a PhD in Economics from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. She is program director at not-profit organization Romanian Center for Economic Education (CREE) since 2002, and member in Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie – AIPPh (registree aux Bruxelles). In 2007 she received The International Award of National Association of Economic Educators from USA – NAEE for promoting economic education. She has published students and teachers’ textbooks and manuals, research papers and books.

CAMELIA STAICULESCU i is associate professor at Bucharest University of Economic Studies at The Teacher Training Department. She  has a BA in Pedagogy and holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Bucharest. She is the director of the Counseling and Career Development Center from ASE (CCOC). She has expertise in vocational counseling  and educational project management with particular focus on adults’ education and students counseling.  She coordinated research projects focused on employers perceptions on competences of the university graduates, graduates employability and students expectations in respect with future jobs.

MARIN DRĂMNESCU is Lecturer at Bucharest University of Economic Studies at The Teacher Training Department. He has a master’s degree in integrated education. Ph.D. in Educational Science (2012) and Ph.D in Political Sciences (2015).He is the author of  books: „The Will of Happiness” and ”Albert Bandura. Social Theory of Learning. A Pedagogical Model of Training”. Authored and co-authored various scientific articles and book chapters. Marin Dramnescu’s research interests are on educational psychology, integrated education, epigenetics and education policies.

MIHĂILĂ Alexandru Robert is a PhD Lecturer at Bucharest University of Economic Studies at Teacher Training Department. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Management, he has a Master degree in Informatics and PhD in Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics. He is the author of numerous scientific articles, the topics of interest being in the field of Educational Management, Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics and Blended learning. He is also involved in various research projects focused on the educational environment.

Vladimir Enăchescu is Lecturer at Bucharest University of Economic Studies. He has a Master in Philosophy, a Master in Management of Organizational Psychology and Human Resources, and a Master in English Language Education and Research Communication for Business and Economics and he holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Bucharest. He is the author of a book concerning Decentralization of the Educational system,  and authored and co-authored numerous scientific articles and book chapters. Vladimir’s research interests are on educational psychology, psychotherapy, education policies, integrated psychotherapy.

MONICA ELISABETA PĂDURARU is Associate Professor at Bucharest University of Economic Studies. She has a BA in Psychology, a postgraduate course in Human Resources Management, a Master in Management of School Organization, a Master in English Language Education and Research Communication for Business and Economics, and she holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Bucharest. She has expertise on adults’ education and teachers’ training and she is an expert of the Specialized Commission for the Accreditation of Teachers’ Courses within the Ministry of Education and member in various research projects focused on teachers’ training and curriculum innovation. Her research interests are on adult education, teacher training, curriculum, and educational psychology.

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